
I am Methodist Minister, but not currently able to work in active ministry because of chronic illness.

I originally set this blog up because I wanted to find some way of continuing to interact with the world – these are the sermons I would preach if I still could. Initially I commented each week on the lectionary readings – and anything else that grabs my need to say something! But my illness overtook me and thinking clearly and writing became too much. But I am trying to revive it – largely with material I had previously written, some reworked.

As far back as 1999, I wrote my dissertation on the theology of church and its use of the internet, “The World Wide Web is My Parish”. Not just how, but why churches should be using it. I have continued to maintain an interest in and passion for how we use the opportunities that the internet and social media present to us.

Of course anything I say here is my own opinion, and not endorsed by or reflective of anyone else.

15 Responses to “About”

  1. Dear Pam,
    How refreshing to read your perambulations on the lectionary readings which give most interesting and helpful thoughts and reflections to ponder over. The photo of the flower adorned cross at Bridge Street on Easter Sunday morning captures an appropriate resurrection picture to illustrate the promise of new life in our risen Lord and Saviour.
    Your further editions will be very much appreciated.
    May God bless your continuing Ministry in this form of witness in His service.
    Sincerely, Jean & John

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! It seems one very small way I can continue to have a ministry of sharing God’s word and reflecting on it for us today


  3. God bless your desires Pam.

  4. My sister came upon your blog and I wanted to share something with you. My mom is Pam Rice and a friend of hers published a book called “Perambulations” and it is available on cafepress. She was a LEM and started taking classes to be a Deacon in the Episcopal Church before she died in January, 2007. I have enjoyed looking through your blog, you remind me of my mom. Thank you.

  5. Thanks for that!

  6. Hi Pam
    Greetings from Scotland. I think our paths crossed in Bolton district many years ago. I am enjoying reading your lenten thoughts. My blog is at http://fullnessoflife-john.blogspot.com/
    best wishes

  7. Wonderful treasure you have here Pam. May God be glorify in you in all you are and all that you are going through.

    In Christ Jesus,

  8. Count on me wandering with you.

  9. Thank you Pam

  10. Pam, I have your posts emailed to me tnink they are fantastic ,heard about you from Molly who was my tutor
    ,I wondered if if could read your poem for Ehesians 4,1-16 in my sermon tomorrow ,it is very relavant as it is 3 churches merging into one from sept 15

    • Hello Helen. Thanks for your kind words 🙂 its fine for you to use my poem/meditation – glad its helpful and can be used

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